Tuesday, 13 May 2014

I have been challenged to build this blog and to fill it with items of interest in my "field of expertise". I am not sure if it is more of a challenge to fill the blog or to identify what my "field of expertise" is exactly. I do not have a red-seal trade to blog about. I do not have a university degree to blog about. I don't even have a scintillating hobby to blog about. What can I offer? Parenting tips could be a powerful source of interest these days - but my kids are young adults and are wonderful (especially when they are getting along!) and don't require much parenting from me these days. I could blog about my job as an administrative assistant - but I have a great boss and team in the office and I am only working here until August of this year. So I guess the more obvious choice would be to blog about my journey as a student on my way to becoming qualified to teach adults.

I have recently signed into an on-line class that requires me to become more electronically savvy. What a challenge for this linear brain. I am struggling with the connectivity portion that demands that I tweet, FaceBook and blog for the next eight weeks. I have long maintained that my life is my own until I give it away on FaceBook and I am having an inner struggle with the concept that I have to now let everyone else know what I am doing at any particular point in a day. Privacy is a concept I have prized and this is a real eye opening concept to have all the accounts I have just signed up for. My content must be my own - no copy and paste - no risk of copyright infringement. All real challenges in a modern world when one wants to stay up with technology and communications.

So - if this is to be a blog by me it does not have to be about me. I have found a wonderful video to share that speaks about taking ME out of Social MEdia and focusing on we. I feel that this is a must watch for anyone who is starting an on-line adventure. Now let's see if I can shift my focus to we and find worthy information that will make a difference in a life. Enjoy this TedTalk by Kylie Lang.

Enjoy the day!

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